Wednesday, November 5, 2008


My kids' first year of life included a Black man, a minority, being elected president of the United States of America! How cool is that?!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The Monkeys are 9 months old!

9 Months! Seriously, how do I stop time? Samira celebrated the day by crawling! Finally! She's been trying for so long and gets frustrated when she sees Sahil crawling all around her, but now she can go where he goes! It's so sweet to see her crawling two steps behind her brother. They are interacting with each a lot more now too, including fighting over toys. Samira is also clapping now and gets so excited when she does.
At their 9 month appointment, they both measured around 16 lbs...lil peanuts! I was a wee bit disappointed, but what can I do, besides feed them lard... At least they are happy and healthy, just tiny. They are eating all kinds of things now - dhal, mac and cheese, yogurt, cheese, new veggies, pasta, anything we can break into small pieces pretty much.
Their personalities are showing more and more., and it's so fun to see!

Will add more later!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

It's a....

September 24, 2007 is when Chetan and I found out we were having a boy and girl!
Even as Dr Teteris was starting the ultrasound, Chetan and I were going back and forth about whether we wanted to know the genders. Chetan gave me the ol' "it's life's only true surprise" argument while I gave him the "I don't want everything to be yellow and green" argument. Okay, so my argument was weak. When the Dr asked if we wanted to know the genders, we looked at each other and say YES at the same time. "Baby A is a...boy" Chetan smiled from ear to ear. So did I. I told the Dr that my guess was that Baby B was a boy too, since they were both boys in my dreams. "Baby B is a...girl." More goofy smiles from the both of us. I told Chetan, "Mom and Mama will be so happy." They both really wanted us to have one of each. I honestly didn't care what we had, because they are pros to both being one gender and pros to having one of each. My only wish is that they are each other's best friends and take care of each other.
Sept 24th 2007 was also the start of the name game....

Sunday, September 14, 2008

8 Months Old!

My babies are growing up way too quick! 8 months already! They get more fun and more entertaining each day. Sahil is now an expert crawler, and it's so cute! He entertain himself by exploring the house. Chetan put up gates this weekend and now we have to tackle the cabinets next, fun fun. We don't have much that S&S can get into but Sahil has pointed things out to us that we didn't think of. :) Some things I plan to leave as is, and teach S&S not to touch (I know, good luck!). I'd rather not have my living room look like KinderCare.
Samira's still content sitting and observing the world around her. She does scoot around on her bottom and sort of get up on all fours. She is chatty as ever!
Both S&S love their solids and I've been adding different things to their diet, all of which they like or at least tolerate. Sahil did dry heave on some dhal the other day... he better get used to it soon because he'll be eating a lot of dhal and rice!
They are changing everyday and never cease to amaze me!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

I miss Stacy!

Stacy is/was my acupuncturist. She is so wonderful! I started going to her for acupuncture when it was taking us longer than I wanted to get pg, a lot longer. A co-worker of Chetan has mentioned her name, and she miracles she worked, so I thought why not! One of Chetan's cousins also swore by acu so Chetan was sold too. We both went to the first session, where she just asked questions, got to know us and our issues, etc. Then a few weeks later I started going to her for actual sessions...and it was great! I do believe acu is what helped me get pg, and with twins! I kept going after getting pg and maybe that's why I had an easy twin pregnancy.
I also now wonder if acu has anything to do with S&S easy-going nature (totally jixning myself, I know). Who knows, but I do totally believe in acu and would recommend it anyone wanting to solve certain health issues naturally.
I really want to start up acu again, but Stacy moved! So so sad!! There are many other acupuncturists in Columbus, but I miss Stacy!! Not only did she do acu but she also listened to em go on about everything going in my life. It was very therapeutic.
I might have had a bit of a girl-crush on her too :)

Friday, August 29, 2008

This Mama's for Obama!

I've never really campaigned out loud for my candidate of choice before. I do always vote, but don't put up signs in my yard, wear my candidate on my shirt, debate over my candidate, etc. This year I plan to proudly and loudly say I'm voting for Obama! I'm trying to now figure how to show my support from now till Nov 4th. I'm not a loud, outspoken fact I'm a pretty quiet girl who keeps her opinions to herself... Maybe we'll have a BBQ for Obama supporters! I know free pizza got me to join the College Republicans my freshman year...I was still finding myself back then... And how I stay excited weeks after the convention?
Maybe I should go after the Indian seniur citizens who are now American citizens, like my own grandparents. I can convince them to vote for Obama and then bus them to vote! It's about time they did something for our country. Most of them don't work, yet collect social security, my tax money. Yes, I know, they do so much for their family, take care of so much and many, etc etc. But voting is the right and responsiblity of every citizen, and they too are citizens. I could drum up like...30 votes from this group! :) Need to think BIGGER!

Monday, August 25, 2008

Vino 100

We have a new go-to shop for wine! It's Vino 100 on Polaris Parkway. Great wine selection, but more importantly, great customer service! Okay, so maybe my opinion is skewed a bit by the fact that I got a piece of chocolate cake for free last time we were there... But really, the owners are very knowledgeable about wine but not in a snobby way. We had a great tiem there thsi past Friday. We tried several wines (a good tasting pour for $1), had a cheese plate, and the free cake! The only thing I know about wine is whether it's good, bad, red or white, but Chetan knows a lot about wine and it's fun hearing him chat with the owners about wine, regions, varietals, etc etc.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

S&S are 7 months old!

Not only is it C's birthday today, but S&S are also 7 months old today! Tiem is going waaay too fast! Nothing I can do about it..except enjoy every moment!
Sahil is rolling all over the house now. He's trying to crawl but can't quite get it yet. He loves to roll over to the kitchen and on the hardwood floors. He's careful about not hitting his head on the floor, but he leaves little drool handprints everywhere, lovely. Samira is still content to sit or lay in one place. They both sit up really well, and it's so cute seeing the two of them sitting and playing with their toys.
They are now eating 2-3 meals a day. Cereal with a fruit in the morning, a veggie for lunch, and dinner is a toss up of either a veggie or fruit or more cereal. I'm still making their food which so far is easy and fun.
Samira has starting "singing" dadadadada (I consider it a tribute to her Dada) when she's happy and babbles a lot. She sometimes will talk the whole way to daycare. Sahil talks but a lot less than Samira...typical boy.
They both seem to like daycare. They did get their first cold :( And Sahil got kicked out for the day last week for 3 Ds in one day. It was most likely from teething though.
They are so much fun right now that I have to practically chain myself to my desk so I don't go downstairs to viist them at the daycare every five minutes. I've been eating Subway every day in hopes of winning a big Scrabble prize so I can hang out with S&S all the time!
Happy 7 months S&S! We love you!

Happy Birthday C-dawg!

Today Chetan is 32! Whoa, that is old....

S&S and I got him some small gifts, but there is nothing in the world that I can get that would show him just how appreciated and loved he is. I definitely don't show it or say it enough...but I am always thinking it! I'm sure he never expected to have to change so many poopy diapers, carry a baby on his chest in a Bjorn, feed prunes to a baby, bathe a baby....but with twins he gets to do all of this! Isn't he lucky? :) Yet he does it all with (mostly) a smile on his face. And seeing him playing and caring for S&S is the most precious thing ever! S&S in turn thank him with the biggest smiles ever when he comes home from work. One of their favorite things to do is watch Daddy on the treadmill, they are fascinated!
Being a Dad hasn't kept Chetan from his other loves like wine, cooking, plants, flowers, sports...he is quite the well-rounded guy! And he's still a wonderful hubby too! I'm still amazed, and sometimes annoyed, at how well he knows me. He treats me like I am so special, despite...well, no need to list all my faults... :)
As Papa would say, Well Done! :)

Monday, July 14, 2008

6 months old!

S&S Update:
S&S are six months old today! This time six months ago, Chetan and I didn't know we'd be parents by this afternoon :) But that's a story for another day....
They are both so much fun right now that it makes me kind of sad thinking about them growing up so quickly. Sahil's becoming quite an active lil boy who loves to jump and climp all over whoever's holding him. He's also getting to be really loud. Samira's still all smiles. We're blessed to have generally happy, easy-going babies (hope I don't jinx myself!) , which we try to keep in mind on the nights when they don't want to go to sleep and are so cranky....which is happening a lot more often lately!
S&S have been eating cereal for a couple weeks now and yesterday had their first veggie. I made them organic peas, which Samira liked a lot and Sahil tolerated but wasn't thrilled about. Sahil thinks it's fun to blow raspberries with a mouthful of peas...guess he doesn't know yet that his Mommy is a bit of a neat freak. He better learn that one quick! Of course our house is looking less and less like one of a neat freak...
S&S are both rolling over and now prefer to sleep on their bellies. Samira sleeps sprawled out like a frog and Sahil likes to be bum-up with his knees tucked under.
On Saturday, S&S were playing on a blankie on the living room while Chetan and I were getting ready. Sahil flipped on his belly and turned so his head was near Samira lil feet. She started tapping him with her feet, which made him laugh so much! His laughter got Samira laughing and they both were just cracking up at each other. It was so precious! Usually Sahil doesn't even acknowledge Samira so it was so fun to see them interact with each other. Yesterday at daycare I was playing with both of them and took a ball that was near Sahil and gave it to Samira. Sahil eyed that ball with a look like "hey, that's mine!" Starting already...
S&S's Dadi came to visit them. They were very comfortable with her and we all had a lot of fun during her visit. Samira sat in her swing one last time before we sent it off to Roshni in India. She's due December 26th! Hopefully the swing will be as much of a livesaver for her as it was for us. Chetan and I celebrated our 5th wedding anniversry on Saturday July 12th. I can't believe it's already been 5 years!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Jewel Un-Oaked Monterey Chardonnay

Yesterday Sweta and I went to Bonefish Grill for Happy Hour. The Jewel Un-Oaked Monterey Chardonnay was a happy hour special for $4 a glass. The bartebder, Alex, seemed really about it, so Sweta and I both decided to try it. I'm not a huge fan of Chadonnays, but the "Un-oaked" in this one's name lured me in as well. It was wonderful! A nice summer wine-crisp, clean, refreshing and lively. It leaned more towards a Pinot Grigio. I believe it retails for $10 or so.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008


This day last year we found out we were having twins! My Dr. did an ultrasound, and said "oh look twins." He said it like he was seeing mustard on his sandwich...I guess he sees twins a lot. We, on the other hand, were surprised! Chetan fell back into the wall, and I felt I was watching all this from above and it was happening to someone else. The Dr labeled them Baby F for front and Baby B for back, and called them Fritz and Barry, which is what Chetan and called them too for a long time. We saw two flashing dots, their sweet lil heartbeats.
After the u/s, the Dr said to take our time and then meet him in his office. Once he left, Chetan and I looked at each other and laughed. It was sort of a nervous laughter. We had joked about twins, especially after our friends Sejal and Manaik said they were having twins, but never really expected it to happen. So many emotions flooded my mind all at once.
When we met the Dr in the office, he told us about "vanishing twin" where sometimes one will disappear. The thought of that happening made me sad, which was weird, seeing how a minute ago I didn't even know two existed. But the chances of both staying put were good since we had seen the heartbeats.
We had decided we would tell our family that I was pregnant after this u/s, but now we had double the news to share! It was fun to tell them! We didn't tell anyone else about the twins, except a few close friends, till late September. I was quite the paranoid prego.
June 25, 2007 - The day we became parents of twins!